Hari ini satnite, atau bisa dibilang sadnite. Gue agak galau, jadinya badmood. Malam minggu? bukan! ini sabtu malam. Hai para jomblowers maafkan aku kali ini :p Gue akan menulis (tepatnya) mencopas quote-quote galau dari @damnitstrue. maaf ya, soalnya gue ga ada ide :p
Selamat menggalau jomblowers alay... (!)
".....I don't understand our relationship. Sometimes, we're friends. Sometimes, we're more then friends. Other times, I'm just a stranger to you." - @damnitstrue
".....Do you know why I choose you, why I said yes, why I need you, and why I love you? Because I see forever in you." - @damnitstrue
"......Sometimes you keep your feelings to yourself because it's hard for someone else to understand them." - @damnitstrue
".......Tell me when I’m wrong. Admit when I am right. Respect me, my actions, and my words." -@damnitstrue
".......No, I don't miss you. I miss who you used to be and what we had together. But by the time you realize that, it will be too late; I moved on." -@damnitstrue
"......I just want you, that's it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want you." -@damnitstrue
".....Forget about Romeo and Juliet, forget about Edward and Bella, the perfect love story I want to make is our own, You and I. ♥" - @damnitstrue
".....When a girl is acting like she doesn't care about you anymore, that's when she needs you the most." -@damnitstrue
".....Music speak when words can't express your feelings." -@damnitstrue
".....Love is when you're having the worst day, but when you look at him all the pain goes away. " -@damnitstrue
"....A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories, all for one person." -@damnitstrue
".....I still remember the feeling I felt when I first starting talking to you" -@damnitstrue
".....If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one" -@damnitstrue
"....I promised myself I would say goodbye, but here I am, still saying I love you." -@damnitstrue
".....The best feeling in the world is waking up knowing someone is waiting to talk to you." -@damnitstrue
"....When you see I am sing, then I cry, Dont ask me, because I get really hurt" - Griselda Fortunata
That's all beberapa quotes galau dari @damnitstrue dan closing quotes dari gue. semoga bermanfaat dan semakin galau. Ganbatte! :p
"....When you see I am sing, then I cry, Dont ask me, because I get really hurt" - Griselda Fortunata < Bagus
BalasHapusThanks ya